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Statute of Limitation for Master's Degree Students

Effective Date Jun 23, 2008

Last Review Date: October 27, 2022

(Graduate Policy 1.10)

See graduate policy “Educational Specialist Degree” for the statute of limitations applying to the Ed.S. degree.

A seven-year statute of limitations will be in effect on all work applied toward a master's degree at Florida Tech. That is, all coursework and thesis research, including the thesis defense or final program examination, must be completed within a total elapsed time span of not more than seven years.

In addition to the requirements listed below, any waiver requested for other than formal classroom courses for which a syllabus does not exist must also be reviewed by the director of graduate programs for compliance with policy and approved by the dean of the graduate school.

The student's department head may approve a waiver of the statute of limitations for up to six semester credit hours of coursework taken either at Florida Tech or elsewhere, subject to the following conditions:

  • Any course so approved must have been completed within the previous ten years, and with a grade of at least B.
  • Only those courses where course content has not changed significantly in the intervening years may be approved.
  • The student must provide evidence of current mastery of the course content.

The department head must notify the registrar in writing of the action.

In the case of a waiver request that does not conform to those requirements listed above, or a request involving more than six semester credit hours, the dean of the appropriate college or school may either deny the request outright or approve it based on accompanying proof of currency by written examination endorsed by Florida Tech faculty with a recommendation for a favorable decision by the academic unit head. In no case will a time waiver request be considered if the original course grade was less than a B.

All waivers will be valid for a period of seven years from the date they were granted.

Courses over the time limit for which the limit has not been waived will not be included in GPA calculations subject to the following conditions:

  • The request be made in writing by the student
  • Notification of the department head and director of graduate programs of the request indicated by affixing their signatures prior to forwarding the student's request to the registrar. (Rev 9/20/01)